Wednesday, October 13, 2021


How important is compatibility over chemistry? Some might argue chemistry. Others think compatibility, and some say both.
    The concept of compatibility has to do with being able to exist and perform in ways that is harmonious to others while still being yourself. The healthy dynamic of a compatible couple doesn't mean that they agree on everything or one person submits to the other, but simply that even if there is a conflict, it doesn't overshadows their bond or flow. This concept can be broken down in four types:
1. Physical
    It is important that underneath the congenial connection, that there is some sense of chemistry between each other. Attraction is one of the main motivations to maintain interest in someone that you admire. Usually if you are not that attracted to the person even if you like them, eventually you loose the chemistry.
2. Emotional
    Of course you can't rely too much on the physical without a connection. This doesn't mean you can't be only physical with someone, but as far as overall compatibility, being able to connect with someone on a deeper level makes a big difference in your chemistry. Vulnerability can be scary because it's risky. Not only are you allowing someone in, you are also risk feeling hurt, but if compatible with someone it can create trust.
3. Intellectual
    If there is a connection, the mental pretty much follows. Stimulation can go a long way especially if that is the one a person tends to feel close to someone. So much so that some people can't get feel any attraction or chemistry from someone if they are not stimulated intellectually. 
4. Eternal
    Within connecting with someone, you want to be able to bond with someone where you have mutual values. This usually applies to people who want more than just the surface, but a more fulfilling situation where there is a foundation of friendship that is full of trust and morals.
Wanting compatibility, chemistry or both depends on what you want for yourself. A person that only wants something physical or doesn't require so much mental energy will probably find more importance in chemistry VS a person what want a deeper connection. Compatibility is still necessary and applies to anyone with mutual intentions.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Legality VS Morality

When it comes to ethics, which is more reasonable law or your moral compass. That can be a debate worth thinking about.

     Certain situations that we are put into depends mostly on our own perspective of things. With legality the definition is simply broken down to define as law which means controlled by government. Our behaviors are managed by the standards of right and wrong regardless of what we believe. Therefore an individual can get caught up in a situation where they have legal obligations to someone that goes against how they feel only because they think they are doing right by either law or a mutaul agreement. This can be a common conflict when it comes to either property or a domestic partnership/environment. 

     Morality is based off of conscience perceptions of right vs wrong. This means that we use our own judgement to determine the right or wrong of something to conduct personal consequences to control behavior. This concept can vary from circumstance to circustance. For example if you give a homeless person money, that means you loose your money, but morally if felt right in that moment because you did a good gesture. Whereas if someone stole money from you, you will be maad at first, but eventually forgive the individual becuse you felt like they needed the money more than you did. Because our moral compass tends to get tested from time to time we can often find ourselves questioning our better judgement. 

    So which is more ethical? It can be determined when measuring out the similarities and differences between the two. Some things that laws and morals have in common are social organiztion and cohension. Both can be agreeable due to consequences and reprocussions matching the circumstance. Where they differ is in category. The concept of legality applies to everyone whereas morality is different from person to person. So then you could problably question your ethics based on a situation was handled vs how it handled others socially. Either way it remains a debate.